JUNE MEETING 2014 Our June meeting came to a close Friday evening. We had the smallest crowd ever, however we are not discouraged or unhappy with the results of the meeting. We had 135 registered for the event. The great part of it was the group was almost all young folks. We didn’t have many older folks. The group con- sisted of late age teens and early twenties for the most part. We did have some that were younger and were eager to learn. All of the preachers used power-point lessons and did a fantastic job of pre- senting God’s word in a concise and powerful way. All the group was on their best behavior all the time. Our weather was just perfect and every thing went very well. We had four that requested to be baptized and we promptly took care of that. Two came asking for prayers to lead a better life for God. This was Meeting number 49 and we are already planning for a special time next year which will be our fiftieth year so we are planning a Golden Anni- versary Meeting. We want to invite any one who has been here any time in the past years to come and join us or if you can not attend to send us pictures of the times you were here so that we can create a presentation on C. D. Any cute or meaningful stories of your time at the June Meeting. We have had several cou- ples who met and married here so we would like to have that information too please. (with pictures). If you can not come please remember us in your prayers. MAY GOD BLESS JEFF & JOAN ALL EXPENSIVES OF THE MEETING HAVE BEEN MET.
Our planning session went very well today, we chose for our theme (MAKING A DIFFERENCE). Our meeting dates for this year are June 15-20-2014.
I signed the contract last Thursday for the Fairgrounds. We will have a complete schedule as soon as we have one more meeting and refine the topics. We hope that will be in a few more days. Please pray that we can have a great meeting to the glory of God.